Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Daily Journal

Tuesday, August 9, 2005

I discovered some wonderful new roads to ride on this morning – right in my own neighborhood. I had only about 45 minutes to get my riding in, so I decided to ride the hills near my house, and was pleasantly surprised. The streets were almost empty of traffic, and the neighborhoods were peaceful places to pass through – just silent houses sitting in the early morning mist. I went up and down some demanding hills several times, and cheered for myself when I came back, fairly fatigued, to my apartment.

Matty and I both miss young Noah these days. He’s up in Maine with Jess and Jaimie, probably loving the beautiful beaches and the deep woods around Spirit Pond. Something is missing from our lives while he’s gone – his constant smiles, his unbounded exuberance, his little-boy kindness.

I bought a lovely multi-colored rug yesterday, and it looks perfect in the center of the living room. I also bought – horrors! – fake yellow flowers from Pier 1, but they actually look quite beautiful, and anyone would be hard-pressed to notice that they are not real. And anyway, the new rug is fake, too, and no one complains about that!

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