Thursday, August 04, 2005

Daily Journal

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Yesterday I spent some long and fruitful hours at school working on my curriculum for the upcoming year. It was a moist, muggy day, so I was fortunate to be able to work in the pleasantly cool library. I have set up a temporary office for myself in a corner of the Computer Lab, complete with new speakers for my music, my color printer, and all my necessary books and papers. I worked all day in a snug, orderly, and happy atmosphere – ‘happy’ because I was happy to be getting ready for school again.

More good bike rides yesterday. I’m feeling stronger and steadier by the day. I especially enjoying roaring into Westerly, dodging nimbly through the traffic, and pulling up to a sudden, exhausted halt in front of my apartment.

I must get out into the kayak today. I can’t wait to see it all pumped up and clean on the sandy bank of the river. It will be a warm day, but I’ll find a shady side of the river to cruise along in coolness.

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