Thursday, August 11, 2005

Journal: 8/11/05

Thursday, August 11, 2005
9:24 am.
I’m riding my age today (63 miles), or at least attempting to. I left my apartment at 6:00 am to avoid the heat, and am back home for a break now, typing away on my journal. I’ve done 37 miles so far, and feel pretty good. I saw some interesting sights along the way: a woman jogging along like she was having a wonderful time, body leaning way forward, arms flailing, a huge smile on her face; an old friend (I hadn’t seen him in several years) passing me on his bike, saying a brief hello, and then speeding on; the meadows and ponds and surf rising up out of the warm morning mist. I’m sitting in front of the fan, restocking myself with an energy bar and fresh water, and preparing for the next 15 miles. (Good news: It’s still only 75 degrees!)

1:26 pm
I just finished taking a refreshing cold shower and enjoying a hearty lunch after completing my 63 mile bike ride. I must admit to being utterly done in. I’m not at all sure I could have gone even one more mile. It was a thoroughly enjoyable ride, however. The weather stayed cool enough, and I rode along lots of shady, breezy roads. In the morning I rode out to the beach and did many four-mile loops along the shore, and then rode over to Mystic along Route 1. The best part of the ride was the early morning out by the beach. The air was pleasingly cool and the mists were rising off the countryside in lovely ways. After riding about six loops, I stopped to take a quick dip in the chilly surf, and it proved to be just what I needed to restore myself.

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