Sunday, August 14, 2005

A Poem for Today: 8/14/05



He stood beside his bike in the sunshine,
looping ropes and strings across the pack
to tie it securely to the rack.
It took him many minutes
to fasten everything down.
There was a noisy rainstorm along the streets,
but he knew a pack tied tightly to his rack
would carry him carefully through his journey,
no matter what the weather.
That’s when the stranger offered him
the use of Velcro strips.
“Got all I need. Go ahead and use ‘em.
Tie anything down.”
He unfastened the ropes
and strapped on the Velcro strips
in just a few seconds.
There was something sweet
in the air just then, he thought.
The showers were passing down the street
like a celebration that slowly vanishes.
He stood back a step or two
and smiled at the Velcro strips
and said thanks to the stranger
who was walking away.

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