Yesterday I went to heaven for a birthday party. Well, it was actually just Brooklyn, CT, but it seemed like heaven to me, and one little boy named Noah was the happiest angel of all. It was certainly a heavenly day, weather-wise. The temperature was in the low 70’s, and a lively breeze moved among us as we enjoyed the festivities. There was a feeling of freshness in the air, which fit well with the unbounded vitality that we all observed in the little birthday boy. I was astonished by the behavior of young Noah. I’m sure I have never seen a person enjoy his birthday more ebulliently than he did. He literally danced with enthusiasm from the time we arrived until the time Jaimie carried him off to his nap. He went from person to person, offering play food and friendly smiles, just as if he was the host of the party and wanted to be sure all of us were enjoying ourselves. He especially loved “cooking” the pretend food that someone had given as a present. He stood over his play “grill” with a constant smile (see photo, above), and at one point let loose several wild, unrestrained laughs, as if he could no longer contain his joy. The happiness he was feeling was simply too big for his little body, and it was too big for ours, too. I think we all felt full to bursting with the same gladness we saw in this beatific boy who was just starting his third year among us.
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