Monday, September 05, 2005

Journal: 9/05/05

I spent an unbelievably quiet and happy day at school yesterday. Almost no one else was there – just one of the maintenance guys doing some last minute jobs, and several teachers at the other end of the building. I felt entirely alone with my thoughts as I tidied up things for the first day of school tomorrow. It almost felt “holy”, as if I was in a silent church. The weather outside was some of the best of the summer – fresh breezes, blue sky, and the temperature not above 75. As I worked, I was certain that most of my friends and thousands of other people were relaxing on the beach, but that didn’t bother me. My classroom was my beach yesterday, and I enjoyed myself just as though I was on vacation. The new overhead lights lit up the beautiful room like sunshine. I recall thinking, at odd moments, how absolutely lucky I am to be a teacher, and to be anticipating the arrival of 42 wonderful kids in this room on Tuesday. By some stroke of pure luck, the universe has spun round over billions of years and dropped little me down here in this room in Pine Point School at 89 Barnes Road in Stonington, CT, USA, Planet Earth. I almost shook with disbelief and exhilaration. Hard to believe, but for the 41st consecutive year, I was perched on the edge of one of the most extraordinary 9-month journeys a person can take.

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