Friday, September 02, 2005

Journal: 9/2/05

I feel like I’ve been carefully building a sailboat throughout the summer, one which I will launch on Tuesday. Almost since the day school ended in June, I have been planning my curriculum for this year. I have enjoyed the process immensely – the designing of the overall year’s work, the laying out of lessons and skills I want the students to learn, and – lately – the reconfiguring of my classroom. It’s as if I have been constructing a sturdy, seaworthy ship for my students and I to use on our voyage through 8th and 9th grade English – and the launching date is almost here.

Like everyone, I am stunned by what’s happening in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. The entire city has apparently descended into chaos and barbarism. As I sit in my comfortable home and contemplate a peaceful and satisfying day ahead, thousands of people in that city are living in dread and squalor. They are my fellow travelers on the spaceship called Earth, and I feel almost powerless to come to their aid.

I look forward to Noah’s 2nd birthday party tomorrow. He’s an adorable, innocent, and brave boy with long years of exploration and study ahead of him, and I’m happy to be there tomorrow to send him off into the next year of the adventure.

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