Friday, September 23, 2005

Journal: September 23, 2005

Yesterday after school I drove up to visit with Jaimie, Jess, and Noah. It was a lovely day for a drive through the Connecticut countryside. The temperature was warm (I had the car window down to catch the pleasant late-summer feel of the wind), the sky was blue, and all the fields and trees had that silent and satisfied look that I’ve always loved about this time of year. I drove in a relaxed manner, almost as though I wasn’t driving but just cruising along on a sight-seeing tour bus. Up in Brooklyn, I enjoyed a wonderful visit with one of my favorite families. Noah was a bit bashful at the start (perhaps due, Jessie thought, to a less-than-beneficial nap earlier), but he soon loosened up and became his usual merry self. Before long we were happily playing with his wee train set or romping around outside in the summery weather. I especially enjoyed sitting on the couch with him and singing songs from a book he had received for his birthday. He sat beside me in his proud, perfect-posture way and followed the songs as I sang. Occasionally he threw up his arms and let loose with one of his sparkling laughs, which started me laughing, too. They were glorious moments in a glorious afternoon in lovely northeastern Connecticut.

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