Saturday, September 24, 2005

Journal: September 24, 2005

I’ve been exercising in the morning (instead of after school) the last few days -- and enjoying it. On Thursday, I went to the gym at 5:00 am and rode hard on the stationary bike. I felt fairly strong as I was pedaling and was also able to do some helpful meditating during the workout. What was really nice was the drive home along the silent, still-dark streets, then the refreshing shower, and breakfast at school – with outstanding coffee –as I put the last bit of polish on my lessons for the day. On Friday, again at 5:00 am, I trekked up and down the big hill on Granite Street four times carrying a 30-pound backpack. The morning was lovely – a cool breeze blowing, a few stars sprinkled overhead, and silence and peacefulness all around. It was actually a pleasure to lug that big pack up that hill over and over, knowing that I was starting a good day well and that I was rounding my climbing legs into shape for the upcoming adventure in the White Mountains with my 8th grade students. This morning I’m going to ride over to school on my bike, pushing hard up the hill on Broad Street. Coming home, I’ll take the long way around Greenhaven Road, thus getting my necessary exercise while also seeing the beautiful scenery of this part of New England, especially the silver Pawcatuck River as it pushes at its own leisure toward the sea.

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