Friday, October 14, 2005

Journal: 10/14/05

We have had a full week of soggy, incessant rain. I fall asleep to the sound of raindrops tapping on the windowpane, and I awake to the same sound. The whole world seems to be dripping. Life seems to be a slow-moving, steady river of rainwater upon which all of us are listlessly drifting from one day to the next. What a change this is from last week, when I hiked with my students in the White Mountains under bright blue skies. In New Hampshire we experienced a paradise of spring breezes and mildness, day after day. We never had to worry about keeping our raingear handy, nor did we have to fret about the slickness of damp trails. Dryness was everywhere, even in the small mountain lakes that seemed to be thirsty for more water. How glad I am that we didn’t face the kind of sogginess that we are experiencing this week! Right now as I type, I can hear the steady music of morning rain. It’s not hard to imagine the entire morning floating away on a river of rain. I picture myself, not driving to school in my car but paddling along in my inflatable kayak. When will it stop?

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