Saturday, October 15, 2005

Journal: 10/15/05

I felt a great amount of harmony in my life yesterday. Everything seemed to happen exactly as it should, with all things working together for good. There were “problems” along the way, of course, but these problems, like ripples in a river, soon disappeared in the peaceful flow of the minutes and hours. Indeed, I felt exactly as if I was drifting on an old and deep river, and all I had to do was be patient and trust the river to go where it needed to go. My classes were a good example of this. Looking back on the day, I can clearly see that it wasn’t any special power of mine that made the classes harmonious. Just like the students, I seemed to be caught up in some other, outside force that kept the classes smoothly flowing along. It was as if my students and I were all helplessly controlled by an incredibly strong force that was only capable of producing agreement and unity. The weather, too, had a feel of concord throughout the day. Rain fell ceaselessly, but it fell, I don’t know, in a perfectly proper manner – just the way rain should and must fall. There was no way I could have looked out the window and said, “Look how confused and chaotic that rain is!” No, the rain, like my students and I, did what it had to do in the most agreeable way possible, during a perfectly well-balanced day.

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