Saturday, November 05, 2005

Journal: 11/05/05

Yesterday I realized, as I do nearly every day, how fortunate I am to teach at my little school. Everything seemed to happen as perfectly as if the Universe had specifically planned it that way (which it had). I felt like I was riding in a boat on the smoothest of rivers with an experienced captain at the helm. My classes drifted along toward learning in the most peaceable way. A good example was the 8th grade classes, which, as usual, were orderly and pleasant. These children are among the most earnest and attentive students I have ever taught. Yesterday, as they always do, they sat up straight, listened attentively, participated wisely, and – wonder of wonders – thanked me as they left. Later, the 9th grade classes surpassed even that. Many of the students expressed great admiration for the book we are reading (“A Tale of Two Cities”), which would thrill any English teacher, and then, when we listened to a song in order to study its literary value, several students began crying. I can’t remember the last time so much emotion was expressed in my classes. It was astonishing, and it reminded me, again, of how much I have to be thankful for.

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