Monday, November 07, 2005

Journal: 11/07/05

Another splendid day yesterday. I had lunch with friends over in the Borough, and we ate beside an open window through which a pleasing breeze was flowing. It would have been hard to convince it wasn’t April instead of November. I felt refreshed and stress-free as we enjoyed the fine food and conversation beside the window. Later, I walked over to the park with my hands-free cell phone and called my mother from a bench by the fountain. As we talked, I couldn’t take my eyes off a small Japanese maple that was absolutely shimmering beside the fountain. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a tree more on fire with the colors of autumn. Still later, after watching a football game and getting some reading done, I walked to the park again and took an unhurried stroll. I felt like I was walking in a wonderland of some sort. The multihued trees were silent and motionless in the restful air, which gave me good opportunity to study them as I passed. It was as if I was surrounded by dozens of bright paintings in a gallery.

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