Saturday, November 12, 2005

Journal: 11/12/05

Yesterday seemed more like January than November. A numbing wind swirled across the campus of our little school, making a short walk between buildings seem like a north woods adventure. Where did summer and fall go so suddenly?

I’m annoyed with myself for not being a more observant teacher. The fact is that I notice almost nothing while I am teaching. I am so focused on my lesson plan (and, in a sense, on myself as I try to get through the lesson) that I actually pay very little attention to my students. Yes, I call on them and listen to what they have to say, but I don’t really notice them, study them, take in their uniqueness. How was Julie’s posture during class? What was Johnny wearing? Did Melanie seem sad or happy today? What was the expression on George’s face as we were talking about Macbeth? These are questions to which I have no answer – and I’m mad at myself because of it.

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