Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Journal: 11/15/05

I had an especially fine day yesterday – mostly, I think, because I got off to a wonderful start. I awoke at my usual time – 3:30 am – and got right to work on some helpful reading and writing. I love that silent, tranquil time, when the house is quiet and the busy day is several hours away from getting started. I sat under the lamplight and read some inspiring pages and wrote a few sensible, straightforward paragraphs. I also managed to write a short poem, which always makes me feel like I’m sort of skipping into the morning, instead of walking and stumbling. This good start led to some good classes at school, hour after hour. In one sense, they weren’t perfect, by any means, but in another sense, I had the feeling that the classes were happening just as they should, and that every word and every activity was somehow right and just. Perhaps my own personal goals weren’t always met in each class, but perhaps other important and good results were reached, results which I am completely unaware of. I know this: each moment of the classes felt right, and that’s a great feeling for a teacher to have. Now here I am this morning, at 4:44 am, sitting at the keyboard, typing out sentences that I hope will help me get another fine day started. All is dark outside and peaceful inside. A candle quietly burns on a small table beside me.

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