Thursday, November 17, 2005

Journal: 11/17/05

Yesterday the weather went back to its old summery ways. By 11:00, I had the door to the garden outside my classroom standing open so my students and I could feel the mild air. Every so often the hall door would slam shut in the breeze, just as it often does on warm days in April. You could have easily convinced me that it was mid-spring instead of mid-November.

I had some astonishing classes yesterday. The 9th grade classes were especially rewarding. The students came loaded with thoughts about A Tale of Two Cities, and our discussion was almost unruly due to everyone’s desire to speak their opinion about last night’s reading. At several points, I had at least ten hands waving passionately in the air.

I was reminded last night that I need to do more quiet thinking. I need to find the time to simply sit still and do nothing but think. No reading, no writing, just thinking. It’s a lost art, and I want to find it again.

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