Monday, November 21, 2005

Journal: 11/21/05

My son Matt and I have been having a wonderful time watching some nature DVDs on my big new TV. He gets them from Netflix – astonishingly filmed studies of the natural world, everything from the life under the Arctic ice to the life-cycle of blind underground creatures. We often have our dinner (me with my beloved glass of wine) as we watch one of these films, and I can’t think of a better aid to digestion.

I trudged up and down the steps in the park 22 times yesterday. It was a chilly day (too chilly for the shorts I was wearing), but the sun was shining on the almost bare trees, giving a look of liveliness and warmth to the park. Whenever I reached the top of the stairs, I paused for a bit to enjoy the scene – the silvery pond, the trees spread out in the park, the rolling gray lawns, a few bundled folks stepping briskly along.

I’m making progress in my reading of Spenser’s The Faerie Queen. I find it to be an amazing collection of luxuriant, melodious poems – some of the best I’ve ever read. I can see why so many poets have taken Spenser as one of their important mentors.

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