Yesterday was a quiet, restful Sunday for me. (I love Sundays!) I started the day at school in my cozy classroom, getting things in order for the coming week. As usual, it was a time of great serenity for me. Classical guitar music was playing softly, good ideas for teaching were arising fairly effortlessly, and outside, the layer of snow seemed to reflect in through my big windows in a bright way. (See photo, left.) Later, I watched two wonderful football games. The Patriots humbled the Bills, 35-7, in a frigid, snowy game, and then the Cowboys and Chiefs battled each other until the Cowboys finally triumphed in the final second. Ah, the pleasures of Sunday afternoon with football, a good book, and a window for watching the wintry weather outside! Later, I took what has become my almost daily walk in the park. The silvery pond was especially shiny in the late afternoon light, and there was a wonderful crispness in the air. I walked briskly along, feeling fortunate to be exactly where I was at precisely that time. Life is definitely good.
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