Friday, December 16, 2005

Journal: 12/16/05

Yesterday was another chiller, but all the warm hearts at school made it feel like midsummer. The holiday spirit was in full flower. Kids and teachers alike were laughing, hugging, waving, exchanging gifts, and dashing to and fro. Some teaching and learning took place, I’m sure, but I’m afraid it took a back seat to the general celebratory spirit. Actually, come to think of it, I had some of my best classes of the year. A special guest came to the 8th grade classes to talk about her love of Macbeth, and the 9th graders engaged in an energetic discussion about A Tale of Two Cities. I felt relaxed, inspired, and thankful as I led the classes, knowing that I was one the most fortunate people in the world. Of course, I didn’t feel all that fortunate when I had to rush from building to building in the frigid weather, but in only a few seconds I always found myself enveloped in the cozy warmth of a room again. Oh, how I praised the heat that was blowing up from the floor vents here and there. Whenever I noticed the essays on the hall bulletin board fluttering in the rising waves of heat, I said a silent prayer of thanks that I was a teacher in this particular school at this special season.

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