Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Meditation: "The Only Power"

A good question to ask myself today (actually, every moment of today) is, “Who, or what, is in charge?” Who or what controls everything – every thought, action, experience, and occasion? When something happens today, even the tiniest, least consequential thing, what power has caused it to happen? I guess what the question means is, “Who or what is God?” It’s certainly a vital question, because if I could answer it, I would have all the knowledge necessary to be content in life. No matter what happened today, I would be settled and satisfied, because I would know, in an utterly confident manner, precisely what caused it to happen. I would smile quietly to myself, saying, “No problem. I know where that came from. I understand, and therefore I can relax.” Well, the marvelous truth is that I do know who or what the Master is – and an even more wonderful fact is that it is not me. The frail, separate, isolated entity labeled “Hamilton Salsich” is in charge of absolutely nothing today. I don’t have to fret, worry, plan, cover all the bases, or take responsibility for things. The load has been lifted from my shoulders. (It was actually never there in the first place.) The reason for this is that a far, far greater power than “I” is quietly and efficiently operating all things, today and every day. Some people call this power “God”, but lately I’ve been preferring “The Universe”, or just “Presence”. Whatever label I choose, it refers to the infinite, immaterial, unnamable force that is behind every single action or thought or experience or occurrence. Today I can relax and be happy at all times, because everything has been taken care of. The universe is in good hands – the best possible hands.

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