Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Meditation: "A Perfect Day"

As I was thinking, early this morning, that I could make this day of teaching an absolutely perfect one, it suddenly came to me that I wouldn't have to "make" it perfect, because it will be perfect naturally, all by itself. I guess that realization dawned on me because I was able, at that moment, to step back -- way back -- and get "the big picture" of what life is all about. Instead of seeing life myopically, as a separate individual "me" set off against a zillion other separate individual entities, I was able to see it the way it truly is, as an immeasurable dance where there is actually only one dancer -- the universe itself. I realized that even the most minuscule actions I'll be involved in today will be actions orchestrated by the infinite universe, actions which will be utterly perfect because they are exactly what they must be at that particular moment. It was wonderful to clearly understand, the more I thought about it, that a separate ego called "Hamilton Salsich" doesn't have to do a single bit of "work" in order to make this day perfect. The day has no choice but to be perfect -- every single second of it -- and I have no choice but to be part of that perfection.

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