Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Meditation" "Utter Confidence"

Reading the Bible this morning, I was struck by the absolute confidence the Roman captain displayed when he asked Jesus to heal his servant. It got me thinking about confidence, and how wonderful it would be to always live with it, the total assurance that everything is always exactly as it should be. Having this kind of confidence would instill in me a wonderful kind of poise and coolness that would radiate out to others. People might say, “He looks totally sure that we’re all safe, and everything will be all right.” This kind of confidence, however, can come only from a deep understanding. It will arise inside me today only if I stay completely aware of the truth of reality – that every moment gives birth to all the power of the universe, and that the power is completely mental, or spiritual. If I know this through and through, then I will know the source of all power, which will in turn provide me with a sense of perfect security. And isn’t security what all of us are ultimately searching for? Isn’t a feeling of total safety the only feeling that gives rise to true confidence? If we know, beyond any doubt, that we are part of the only power in the universe (sometimes called “God”), then we know we are secure, and therefore we know we are confident. I hope this confidence, like the Roman captain’s, can shine forth from me today so that everyone can be reassured by its light.

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