It might be accurate to say that the most important question of all is: “What do I worship?” For there’s no doubt that we all worship something – some force, some power, some entity that we deem to have power over everything else. For some of us, it’s personal wealth; for others, it’s physical health; for others, it could be friendship, or appearance, or even a car. Whatever it might be, each person on earth worships, respects, adores, and venerates some “thing” because of its perceived power. It’s fitting that I use the word “thing”, because the foundation and root of all our adoration is some form of materiality. We seem to believe that matter is the most powerful force on earth, so we worship it in all its forms, whether it be our bodies, our dollars, or our cars, or something else. When we are up against a crisis and "reality" needs to be faced, we almost always bow down to some form of matter – often medicine or money – and beg it to help us. In this morning’s meditation, I realized that Jesus’ message to us is simply that we can change our allegiance. He showed us that we can wake up, see the truth, turn our loyalty 180 degrees around, and begin worshiping the only real power in the universe – that of Spirit (or God) instead of matter. Today I want to hold in mind that simple truth. Each moment, I want to consciously switch my devotion from the power of things to the power of thought, from the power of matter to the power of endless, eternal Mind.
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