Teaching Journal
Day 96, Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Today I had the 9th grade students listen to a lecture I had posted on the class blog, and as they were listening and taking notes, it occurred to me that it might have been a ‘boring’ experience for them. However, a few minutes later I begun asking myself what that actually means. What is a boring experience? What does it mean to be bored? The word is used frequently, but rarely (maybe never) have I stopped to consider its meaning. Checking one dictionary, I found that to be bored is to be ‘tired and impatient’. Is that what my students were feeling as they were listening to my lecture? Is that why they looked so weary and worn-out, so edgy and uneasy? Perhaps, then, the boredom arose not so much from the content of my lecture as from the fatigue and restlessness of the children. Is that, perhaps, where all boredom arises – from the hearts of the observer rather than from the substance of what is being observed? Does that mean that everything is exciting if we come to it with excited hearts?
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