I am slowly becoming more skilled at working and
resting at the same time, something I sometimes see in the outdoors. Trees, for
instance, seem to be busily working when they sway in a strong wind, tossing
their limbs in a spirited manner, but they also seem absolutely stress-free.
Perhaps their secret is that they don’t resist, but simply settle back and let the
wind do the work, allowing them to sway tirelessly for hours. I see a similar
situation in the fall, when leaves offhandedly float to the ground in an
effortless way and in a few days completely cover square miles of land with
their colors. This is an astonishing achievement, one that would take we
humans a supreme effort, and yet the loose and untroubled leaves do it in an
almost leisurely way. And of course there are snowfalls, perhaps the most
restful of nature’s activities, with whole crews of snowflakes working in
perfect peacefulness across the landscape. Within a few hours, a sovereign
state of snow can set itself up across miles of fields and forests with a soft but irresistible
sheet of white, and yet it does it in the quietest possible way. A snowstorm
has a way of combining effort and restfulness, something I greatly
admire. Perhaps my goal in life should be to live like snowflakes live, with
both passion and composure.

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