Someone once said that everything
should be honored, but nothing really matters – a truth I have been
thinking a lot about lately. Yesterday afternoon I was standing outside in breezy
spring sunshine, and I thought, yes, everything should be honored –
these sunlit minutes on the lawn, but also all the troublesome and sorrowful times,
all the seeming misfortunes. Every event, every situation, every person, every
thought, every single moment, should be respected as though it is a precious
miracle, because it is. Whatever the
universe unfolds for us (whether we conveniently label it “good” or “bad”) is a
marvel worth our respect. This doesn’t mean, though, that anything really
“matters”, or at least that any one part of creation matters more than any
other. In the kind of cosmos that we live in, which is endlessly intricate but
also one hundred percent harmonious, no facet of it is more important than any
other. Everything, from the farthest star to the most miniscule atom, is of
equal value and significance. Everything matters equally, which, in a sense, means
nothing really matters, or matters more than anything else. All that
truly matters is the completely cohesive and harmonious universe, which has
been successfully fashioning and re-fashioning itself for numberless eons, and
which will continue to do so into infinity. Instead of thinking I have to fret and
fuss about each present moment because everything matters, I should focus my
attention on cherishing the astonishing creations of the universe. Instead of
taking things so seriously, I should take them, perhaps, more reverently and gratefully.

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